Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moving, hopefully for the last time...

The picture sharing capabilities have convinced me that I want to move my blog one more time. So here's the new address and hopefully the final one. Yep, the new one is free also. (a big plus!)

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010, Peace

Today's photo-a-day, taken around 6:30 this morning. Boys off, getting ready for school, after eating breakfast. Pups have been fed and taken out twice, coffee's on and I'm waiting on my honey to join me for a few minutes of peace.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lots of things going on...

I had a job at the local preschool that I loved, but I couldn't keep...

Went through a hellava lot of emotional upheaval, getting used to a completely new lifestyle and now I'm pushed back into the old one.

We added to our family. (more on this later)

We had a BALL over Christmas break.

Grandma came to visit. (we LOVE when Grandma comes to visit!)

Guh and Umpa were delayed by weather, but we got to celebrate Christmas twice because of it... so that's all good!

And I'm changing my blog's home. Let me know what you think. I hope we're going to like it here...